Kurser i ACT

Boka en kurs med rikke

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Jag hjälper passionerade behandlare att bli kanonduktiga på Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Jag hjälper passionerade behandlare att bli kanonduktiga på Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Made with love

Delivered with passion

En av Europas största kompetencer inom ACT

(sägs det)

Jag älskar att dela min passion för ACT. Och det känns – sägs det. Jag har stått på de helt stora såväl som små scener i både Sverige och i utlandet. Och jag har till och med fått en utmärkelse för mina bidrag till spridning av evidensbaserade metoder samt lindrandet av lidande i världen.


Jag vet vad jag pratar om.

Rikke Kjelgaard

Behöver ni en kurs?

Här är mina mest populära kurser:


Bara så du vet - det är ytterst sällan att någon kommer tillbaka med så positiv feedback som efter mötet med dig. Det var vansinnigt bra och verkligen vad vi behövde.

Bjarne yde
Russ Harris

Rikke is a powerhouse in the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy community

An excellent therapist and trainer, she has mastered the art of giving practical, engaging, fun, life-changing workshops. Whether you want to learn ACT from scratch, or take your skills to the next level, you’ve come to the right person.

Dr. Russ Harris

Författare av bl.a. "Lyckofällan"

Rikke understands ACT in its bones, in its DNA

I have taught assorted courses for Rikke since 2007. Over that time, I have watched her evolution as a psychologist with deep respect. She has crafted a program of instruction in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for mental health professionals that is of unparalleled quality. This would not have been possible were it not for her deep understanding of the treatment. She understands ACT in its bones, in its DNA, all the while grounded in real world clinical work. That stretch from theory to the classroom to the clinic is exceedingly rare. I do not know Danish or Swedish, but I do know Rikke. In my estimation, she is a voice to be trusted in the translation of theory to practice.

Dr. Kelly Wilson

Grundare av ACT modellen

Kelly Wilson - founder of ACT
Kirk Strosahl

Rikkes grasp of the ACT model and her appreciation of its’ close connection to behavior analytic science is second to none

Rikke is an internationally respected ACT clinician and trainer. Her grasp of the ACT model and her appreciation of its’ close connection to behavior analytic science is second to none. More importantly, Rikke uses her cross disciplinary knowledge to generate keen clinical insights and highly effective clinical interventions. Her approach to ACT is bold, straightforward and easy to grasp.

Dr. Kirk Strosahl

Grundare av ACT modellen

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