Prolonged Exposure for PTSD

Unik och intensiv 4 dagars kurs i PE med Dr. Edna Foa och Dr. Sandra Capaldi

2-3-4-5 december 2024

Endast fåtal platser kvar

Lär att behandla PTSD med Prolonged Exposure

Professor Edna Foa är en världsauktoritet inom behandling av PTSD. Tillsammans med Dr. Sandra Capaldi kommer de att presentera Prolonged Exposure for PTSD och visa hur man hjälper klienter att övervinna undvikande av vardagslivet och minnen av de traumatiska händelserna.
Prolonged Exposure är en evidensbaserad behandling och mycket effektiv för olika grupper med PTSD.
Under denna fyra dagars kurs kommer du att lära dig att behandla PTSD genom presentationer, videodemonstrationer och övningar i små grupper. Du kommer att lära om hur man motiverar och engagerar patienter med PTSD i behandlingen. Du kommer att lära dig hur man hjälper patienter att övervinna undvikande i vardagen och också hur man bearbetar påträngande tankar och flashbacks.

9-10-11-12 oktober från kl. 15:00 – 23:00

Kursen äger rum på zoom den 2-3-4-5 december 2024

Din investering i att lära dig att behandla PTSD är 15000 + moms

Endast fåtal platser kvar

Spara 3000 vid anmälan före 1 oktober

Undervisare i världsklass

Dr. Edna Foa

Dr. Edna Foa

Dr. Sandra Capaldi

Dr. Sandra Capaldi

Unik kurs med upphovskvinnan till Prolonged Exposure

👉 Kursen äger rum på zoom

👉 2-3-4-5 december 2024

👉 Alla dagar kl. 15:00-23:00

👉 I kursavgiften ingår handouts, arbetsformulär samt intyg från Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety at University of Pennsylvania underskriven av Dr. Edna Foa

👉 Din investering i att lära att behandla PTSD är 15000 + moms

Endast fåtal platser kvar

Spara 3000 vid anmälan före 1 juli

Undervisning i världsklass

The aim of the workshop

The aim of the workshop is to teach you how to deliver prolonged exposure (PE) from PTSD by following the manual “Prolonged Exposure therapy for PTSD: Emotional Processing Therapy”.

PTSD diagnosis

During the morning of the first day, Dr. Foa and Dr. Capaldi will discuss the diagnosis and clinical picture of PTSD. You will then be presented with a theoretical account that helps understand the factors that determines why some traumatized individuals recover and others develop chronic disorders.

The efficacy

Next, Dr. Foa and Dr. Capaldi will provide an overview of the efficacy of different cognitive behavioral programs that have been found helpful in ameliorating PTSD symptoms.

PE overview

During the second half of the first day you will be provided a detailed overview Prolonged Exposure therapy, and Dr. Foa will discuss in detail how to decide whether a given patient will benefit from PE.

The procedures

In the next three days you will learn each of the procedures that comprises prolonged exposure via description of each procedure, demonstrating how to conduct the procedure via videotapes of patients, and role play of the procedure.

Overall rationale for PE

You will get a description of the rationale, demonstrating how to conduct the rationale via examples, videotapes of patients, and role play of the procedure.

Rationale for in vivo exposure

You will get a description of the rationale, demonstrating how to conduct the rationale via examples, videotapes of patients, and role play of the procedure.

In vivo exposure

Via examples, videotapes of patients, and role plays you will learn how to conduct in vivo exposure.

Rationale for imaginal exposure

You will get a description of the rationale, demonstrating how to conduct the rationale via examples, videotapes of patients, and role play of the procedure.


Flexibility in following the manual and tailoring the treatment to the patient’s response to exposure will be emphasised during the training.

Träffa dina undervisare

Dr. Edna Foa

Dr. Edna Foa

Edna B. Foa, Ph.D., is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and Director of the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety.

Dr. Foa devoted her academic career to study the psychopathology and treatment of anxiety disorders, primarily obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Her research activities included the formulation of theoretical frameworks for understanding the mechanisms underlying these disorders, the development of targeted treatments for these disorders, and elucidating treatment mechanisms that can account for their efficacy.

The treatment program she has developed for PTSD sufferers has received the highest evidence for its efficacy and has been widely disseminated in the US and around the world. Dr. Foa has published 18 books and over 350 articles and book chapters.

Her work has been recognized with numerous awards and honors, among them:

The Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Clinical Psychology Award from the American Psychological Association;

Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies;

Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies;

TIME 100 most influential people of the world;

2010 Lifetime Achievement in the Field of Trauma Psychology Award from the American Psychological Association;

the Inaugural International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation Outstanding Career Achievement Award;

Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (A-CBT) 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Dr. Sandra Capaldi

Dr. Sandra Capaldi

Sandy Capaldi, Psy.D. is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety (CTSA) at University of Pennsylvania. She currently serves as the Center’s Associate Director, Clinical Director and Director of Implementation. 

Beginning her career as a counselor in 2001 at Philadelphia’s rape crisis center, Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR), Dr. Capaldi was trained and mentored by Dr. Edna Foa as a study therapist to provide Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD (PE) to participants in Dr. Foa’s clinical trial. For the last 14 years, Dr. Capaldi has worked clinically and in research with trauma, PTSD, and other anxiety and related disorders at the CTSA. Her work has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, among others.

Dr. Capaldi currently directs the PE Initiative, which is an implementation project in collaboration with the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services whose goal is to support training, dissemination, and implementation of PE in Philadelphia’s community mental health centers. She is a licensed clinical psychologist who has a variety of clinical experiences with patient populations ranging from children to older adults and is certified by the CTSA as a PE Therapist, Consultant, and Trainer and as an Exposure and Response Prevention for OCD (Ex/RP) Therapist and Consultant. Dr. Capaldi also specializes in cognitive-behavioral treatment for trichotillomania, excoriation disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobias, generalized anxiety, and somatic symptom and related disorders.

Praktisk information

👉 Kursen äger rum på zoom

👉 2-3-4-5 december 2024

👉 Alla dagar kl. 15:00-23:00

👉 I kursavgiften ingår handouts, arbetsformulär samt intyg från Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety at University of Pennsylvania underskriven av Dr. Edna Foa

👉 Din investering i att lära att behandla PTSD är 15000 + moms

Endast fåtal platser kvar

Här är vad du lär dig på kursen:

själva är vi super nöjda med kursen

Her är vad våra tidigare deltagare säger:


This workshop taught me how to motivate, support and enable my PTSD clients to process traumatic experiences. I appreciated the great organisation of the workshop! Getting to hear the world leading expert in trauma treatment, share a lifetime of research based experience about "what not to do, what to do & how to do it " - absolutely priceless!

Per Ingebrigtsen



I learned a lot from this workshop: not to be afraid to try new stuff, to be more structured and coherent when doing treatment. And to be more specific; how to work with the SUD's-scale, how to phrase certain parts of the rationale and psychoed. In all; I feel more secure about what I already do, and also in what parts I want to progress in.

Linda Joloff



I appreciated all the knowledge and facts given to us, combined with exercises and small movies of the patients. Very helpful. Well organised! I learned a structured method how to help and deal with people that suffer from PTSD. Step by step and very clear. What stands out for me is that this method has a lot of studies with evidence that it works for the majority. This gives a strength and security for the therapist towards the patient and the method.

Carina Ottosson



I am blown away by how well it worked to attend this workshop online. The organisation of this just made this a smooth and welcoming experience. I was so grateful for the opportunity to learn from and interact with Dr. Foa and Dr. Capaldi. I feel much more confident now with my PTSD clients and I learned a lot in this training. I appreciate all the materials we were given and the opportunity to practice and get direct feedback from Dr. Foa.

malene jakobsen


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Prolonged Exposure


Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD

Therapist guide

Value: 567,-


Reclaiming Your Life from a Traumatic Experience



Prolonged Exposure


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Value: SEK 15000,- + moms

Vem riktar kursen sig till?

Kursen är för behandlare som arbetar med klienter med PTSD.

Träffa Dr. Foa

Har du frågor? Här är några av svaren​:

Det finns ett begränsat antal platser på kursen. När den är fullbokad kommer du inte längre att kunna anmäla dig och alla knappar på sidan kommer att säga “anmäl dig till väntelistan”.

Kursen äger rum digitalt på zoom. På det sättet kommer du helt nära dina undervisare.

Kursen äger rum kl. 15:00 – 23:00 CET (Copenhagen/Stockholm).

Det innebär att Dr. Foa och Dr. Capaldi underviser från 9:00 till 17:00 i egen tidszon (EST).

Är du tveksam kan du kolla din tidszon här >>

Kursavgiften inkluderar fyra dagar av unik utbildning med Dr. Edna Foa och Dr. Sandra Capaldi. Du kommer också att få handouts, formulär och ett kursintyg signerat av Dr. Edna Foa.

Kursen är för dig som har samtalet som redskap och som arbetar med klienter med PTSD.

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